Okay, hello everybody. It's half past 12. We're just about to start our webinar. I'm going to see how many folks we've got on the webinar before we actually start. Can you see my screen okay, Dan? Kim?
Yeah, I can see your screen all good, Robin. Yep.
Great. So this is our Tuesday Alpha Tracker tips and tricks webinar. I do them on the last Tuesday of every month. We try and show you something to help you to get the most out of Alpha Tracker.
So some little tip or trick that's going to help you in your job. Kim and Dan are in Telford today. Say hello Dan and Kim.
Hi everyone!
Good. hi I can see you fine. We're going to show you the amazing Tracker Filer today. If you've not seen it before, we think you'll really like it. If you have already used it, Tracker Filer, we hope you'll learn something.
We think you'll see something today that you've not seen before. I'm actually out of the office. That's why my camera's not on. But that's going to help us today because I'm going to pretend to be a customer later, which will help the demo.
Hopefully, you'll see later. There's a Q&A window, which you should be able to see in your Zoom toolbar. If you can just say hello for us now, that would be wonderful. And let us know that you can see and hear us okay.
Dan and Kim, can you see any messages coming in? Nothing yet, no. So if someone can just say hello, that'd be wonderful so that we know this is all working.
Great, yeah, we can see those coming through now. Brilliant.
Lovely. And you can see my screen OK, Dan, yeah?
Yes, we can see your screen. All good.
Great. We always finish in 30 minutes, so we'll be over and done by one o'clock. And the first thing to say, I guess, is, oh, and ask us any questions you like, because any questions, ask them in the Q&A window that we can, we'll answer them during the call.
If we can't get to them during the webinar, then Kim will be in touch afterwards and she'll be responding by email. So what is Tracker Filer? Tracker filer is, it's like an automated Alpha Tracker assistant.
And it's called Tracker Filer because the first thing that we taught it to do was file emails and attachments automatically in the Alpha Tracker folders. It can now do a whole lot more. For example, we're going to show you towards the end of the webinar how it can work with Microsoft Teams and put Teams meetings in your Alpha Tracker diary automatically.
I actually blogged this week about ChatGPT. If you're into the AI stuff that's going on in the world at the moment, you might have seen ChatGPT. I've put a blog up. ChatGPT is this incredible artificial intelligence thing that you can ask any question and you can integrate it into software and you'll see it popping up all sorts of places.
We may even try and integrate something like ChatGPT into Tracker Filer to make it even more intelligent at some point. We'll see. But I've had lots of feedback from that blog post people suggesting how ChatGPT might help.
But at the moment, Tracker Filer is a link between Alpha Tracker and your email system and Microsoft Teams. So that's what we're going to show you today. Before I do, before I hand over to Dan and Kim, I'm just going to show you how you would file documents manually if you don't use Tracker Filer because I think that will put it into context.
So here I've got a quote in an Alpha Tracker system. Here's all information. If you're familiar with Alpha Tracker, you'll recognize the screen probably. Here is the folder button where the filing goes, all the documents that alpha tracker creates go in this folder, and you can also add your own.
So if, for example, this was a real quote and somebody had sent them site plans to go along with the quote to help you quote, what you can do is you can click here you can find the site plans that someone sent you.
So they've sent me these three. Now I've got them in my downloads folder, so it's nice and easy, but you'd normally have to sort of hunt around to find wherever they were. You can upload them like that.
It's not difficult, but you'd have to have found the quote first. I cheated because I had it open already, then found the documents, then uploaded and then put them in the folder. Tracker Filer makes this process even easier.
And I think at that point, I'll hand over to Kim and Dan. Kim's going to create a quote for us. You may not have seen how to do that in Alpha Tracker before, and then she's going to show you how you can use Tracker Filer with a quote.
So I'll just make you the host, Kim, if I can. So there you go. Hopefully you can now share your screen.
We'll just give that a go now, Robin. Thanks for that. And then, I think you should be able to see Kim's screen now. Can you see all that?
Yeah, I do.
Perfect. Great.
Good. Okay, so I'm logged into our Alpha Tracker system, and I'm going to create a quotation on here. So this is in the sales area, and I'm going to go to new quotation. This is the screen for creating new quotation.
I'm going to use a T letter. So, if you've not used quotations before, just give you a view of how we do it. And same as with projects you can give it your own office letter whichever office letter you're creating one for, and then click get next number, grab that number.
Now I'm just going to quickly create one so I'm going to do one for the client start, closing all this information. I'll give it a type. I'm going to call this one a presentation.
That's convenient.
Contact names, I'll just put in.
I'm sending this to Robin. That's great. Okay, I could put some notes in here. The fact that this is just a test one I'll just mark it as that so we don't accidentally do anything with that on our system.
So that's where all the sort of inquiries type details or the contacts and things and then I need to give it the site names is where the work would be taking place for us the site name tends to be more like a job name, so I'm going to call this one webinar.
I have then got a description that I can put on. So let's say this is to discuss Tracker Filer. And I'll give this quote a value. There we go. So this is, we know what it's all about. We know what detail is we know what the value is.
And then from here, I would save my quotation. That's it created my basic details. I can then generate the document. So as Robin was saying, I could just sort of put anything into this folder at this stage, the folders here, but I can also just generate my document, my start software quotation, click it here, it generates now this is generating the quotation immediately. This is a new feature this immediate generation of the quotation rather than you getting an email and it going to the folder.
It's there on the screen. It's really, really quick.
Yeah so for those of you that aren't using this and then you do want to use this feature do get in touch. Yeah we've started using this and it definitely is a game changer with the instant quotes generating right there and then rather than yeah get an email to you.
So that's like Kim said nice new feature we've got in here.
From this quotation, I can download it immediately from here. So I've got a download option. Downloads that I can open it. You can open it up and see it there, or I could just go straight to my downloads folder.
And of course, it will be then in my downloads folder, it'll be here straight away. So that one, I could simply email. So there it is, it's attached to the attached to the email, I can send this off. So Robin, this is what I'm going to need you to act as a client.
Love to, Kim.
Lovely, excellent. So this is the email address I'm sending it to. So with this one, I'm going to be copying in Tracker Filer. And then I'm going to write my email.
And Kim, that Tracker Filer email address, everybody's system has a different email address, don't they? But it'll always be Tracker Filer or something similar.
Exactly. Yeah, important to say that. So that's our Tracker Filer and email address. So it's linked to our system. It will go looking at our quote numbers and everything.
Great. So if you email that to me, I'm going to be the customer, I'm going to reply back with some site plans. And then you can, you can then show how Tracker Filer can file those site plans automatically.
Your caps locks gone crazy doesn't matter. What send what you've done, it's fine.
Awful. There we go. That will do.
Great, just send that over, fab. Okay, I'm gonna get that in my Gmail now. By the wonders of Gmail.
So just while Robin's getting that email up, it's important to note that because we've copied in Tracker Filer to that original email, that will now get stored against the quote. So we've got traceability of that email linking to that quote.
And then essentially it's just an easy way for you to store things against a quote or a job, things like that. So you can just forward things on to Tracker Filer as well as copy in that email address. So it just makes everything so simple when you come into storing those documents, rather than having to hunt around for it, as Robin mentioned, and then upload it into the folder.
Right, so you should have got that, Kim. I've attached about 400 site plans for you so you could firm up the quote. Does that come through?
Not come - oh, here we go. Right, so if I open up your email, so we can see this here. Lovely, so come with that quote, excellent. So what I want to do with that is I'm just going to forward that into my quotation folder.
So here if I just do forward it's already mentioning the quotation number so I don't need to put it in anywhere else because it's important to say that with with the emails that you're sending you've got to mention the quotation number somewhere so here we've got it in the subject we might also have it in the in the body of the text if it wasn't there I could just type it in as part of the message because I'm sending it to Tracker Filer that's it click the button and all of those will go in.
And probably just an important one to add on there. If you do forget to add in a quote number or project number, Tracker Filer, it will tell you and say, oops, it looks like you forgot to add that in. And then you can just re-add in the appropriate reference and forward it on.
So if you do forget it, don't worry, it will give you a nudge in the right direction.
That answers all of the questions we've just had, which is, where do you have to put the quote number in the email? Is it just anywhere, Kim?
It is anywhere. Yeah, you can put it in the subject and it's easiest if you do put it in the subject, but you can put it in the body of the email as well.
Can you put more than one quote number if you've wanted to file it in several quotes at the same time?
Absolutely you can, yes. Great. So you can put it into lots of them. So I've just clicked on there. Here we go. So we've got this. Here we are. Here are your floor plans that you sent in.
So typically I would sort that by modified date, get the most recent things up at the top, so that's the email sent in, those are the floor plans that you attach to your email. So it's not just the email that goes in, it's all the attachments as well.
Fantastic. So all you had to do then was forward it. Now, I couldn't, as a customer, people that were thinking, hang on, what happens if my customer copies in Tracker Filer? Tracker Filer doesn't actually, normally speaking, Tracker Filer ignores emails that are external, don't they?
Like, customs emails. That's just to protect your filing system from people sending you crazy things or viruses or something else. So Kim forwarded it rather than me copying it in because I'm the customer in this circumstance.
And so Kim just needed to forward it on. We do have people that set up automatic rules on their emails so that all emails they send out automatically get copied into Tracker Filer. And that works well.
So then you're guaranteed to have a central copy of everything. But this means, of course, that anybody can look in the folder and see the correspondence, see the email trail at any point without having to look in somebody else's email or ask around the office.
So it's really good if you've got sales teams or you've got people, multiple people doing a job, doing a role. Brilliant, Kim. Hopefully that made sense. I'm getting thumbs up here on the Q&A. Should we do the same for a project?
Brilliant, so if I win this quotation, so I'll mark it as one and create my project from here because it's by far the easiest way to create a project. Put in project manager, so let's make that me, that's fine, that's my job, all nicely created and I've got the project number here.
So anything that I want to file now into this project I can do in exactly the same way, so if I were to start a new email, OK, so Robin do you want me to send this to your normal one?
Don't mind, yeah, whatever you like.
Yeah, so if I send this one to you, and I'll say. Something in there. So make sure I copy in Tracker Fileer.
You got your drunk, drunk typing going on there again.
Oh, gosh, I'm not doing very well with this, am I?
Doesn't matter.
Do apologize I'll send that to you.
It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. So this is the sort
of email you'd send to confirm a piece of work isn't it so this is as you say you've won the quote you're sending an email out with the project number so that your client has got the reference number and by copying in Tracker Filer that email in itself will be filed.
Sorry, I will just correct that. There we go. That's great. So for my name. Lovely. That'll do. I'm going to send that to you. So I said that because I've copied in Tracker Filer, it means it will automatically go into here as well.
So I get to see that going out here.
And if you wanted it to go to a project and a quote, if you'd have mentioned the quote number in that email as well, that would have had the same effect, wouldn't it? In fact, the email that you had before from me with the site plans, if you just forward that, if you want to just try that, Kim, just to prove it, if you forward that to Tracker Filer with the project number in, that's something we do all the time.
Yeah, so this one.
Yeah, so this one, if I forward it on, if I just forward it, so I'm not replying to the customer this time. Perhaps I'm just sending it off to Tracker Filer. That's great. So we've got the quote number in there, but I also want to file it against the project number.
I can simply do that, even if I'm not sending it on to somebody, just do it to Tracker Filer with the number.
Brilliant. And that now will be in two places that will be filed away in the project folder, but also in the quote folder, which is nice because that makes it that easy to define things, isn't it, when you're looking.
Yeah, I personally love Tracker Filer. I always use it for just the example Kim did there, forwarding it on into a project and then you just got everything in one place and it's just nice and easy to find what's going on.
Right, any questions from anybody at this point? Yes, we've got a question. Thank you, Oliver. Aha, can track a filer add information to a site folder rather than a quote or project folder? So could somebody reference a site UPRN, for example?
I've asked a really hard question there, haven't I, Kim? Well, I haven't, Oliver has.
I don't think it does, but I think it's got to be either a project number or a quotation number.
But I think UPRNs a brilliant idea, isn't it?
Yeah, it is a good idea.
We'll steal that one.
New feature.
Yeah, I think UPRN is a brilliant idea, Oliver. So we'll do that. We'll make it look for UPRNs. The tricky bit, Oliver, and anyone else that's thinking about this is we, of course, have to read the emails to look for things that look like project numbers and quote numbers.
So we'll have to think of a way of referencing a UPRN or highlighting it in some way so that it can read it. But I think that's a great idea. One thing that it can do, by the way, if you ever have to call our support desk and they give you a ticket number, so you've got a problem with the system, or you've got a query and they give you a ticket number, we can actually use this for filing information against tickets as well.
So we've got a thing that says if the word ticket or problem is in an email with a reference number, then it reads it. So I think, Oliver, we could do the similar thing with site. So it might be that it's going to look for the word site and then a UPRN, and then we'll match it up on that.
Or perhaps this is where ChatGPT will come into play and it'll be sort of artificially intelligently reading emails. No more questions at the moment. So I think we'll go on to the Teams integration, if that's all right, Kim and Dan.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a Teams meeting just as normal in Teams. And I'm going to invite you, Kim, as an attendee, okay? That's all I'm going to do at this point. And you should get an email in a second, Kim, with that invitation in.
So just bear with me while I do that. I'll put it for one o'clock today.
Robin, just on that one, could you pop it in for Friday? Cause we've got a clear day there. So it'd be easier to show.
Yeah, no problem at all. Okay, so I've just sent that. So you should have a meeting invitation now for Friday, coming by email just from Microsoft Teams, Kim, hopefully.
Oh, there we go. Nice one.
Yeah, that's a nice teams meeting to receive.
So here we go, there's my Teams meeting, thank you.
Bring down the pub. Right now, this is only in Microsoft Teams at the moment. This is in your Teams diary, but if you use Alpha Tracker's diary to manage your work, like most people do, this is a bit of a pain because this is living outside of Alpha Tracker, but this is where Tracker Filer is going to come in to play.
So, Kim, if you forward that invitation,
Okay, forwarding it to.
Tracker Filer.
Tracker Filer.
This is a relatively new feature, so not all of you might have known about this one.
I'm just going to send that as it is.
So all I've done is put the two addresses in.
And now if you look in your diary in Alpha Tracker for Friday.
There we go.
It's automatically in. And even better than that, if Kim opens the appointment there in Alpha Tracker, there's a link to join the meeting in Teams. She hasn't even got to start Teams on Friday because the link's already there.
So that integration between Microsoft Teams meetings and Alpha Tracker is proving to be really popular. You can also, as well as forwarding the invitation like Kim did, you can actually include Tracker Filer as an attendee or an optional attendee to the meeting in the first place.
I can't share my screen very well now, Kim, because you're showing yours. I don't know if you can drag Teams on or if that's a bit tricky. Well, if it's too difficult, don't worry, but you can also just include Tracker Filer as an attendee and it has the same effect.
Lets say I've just put an appointment in for a couple of hours over here on Thursday. So we get a...
You'll just need to drag your... Yeah, just drag that on. That's it. Perfect. Thanks, Kim.
There we go. So then we've got, let's say it's a webinar discussion and who do I want to attend? Well let's, I'm going to make it, I'm going to make it Dan and then I can, if I optionally include Tracker Filer.
We did have one of our clients Kim who who saw me do this and thought the Tracker Filer was a real person and it was their job.
And they're free.
And they're free yeah.
So yeah, that's there. And if I just send that off as an invitation.
Yeah, that'll do two things now. So that'll add it into your Teams or Outlook calendar, as you can see there on Kim's screen. But then it'll also, at the same time, add it into your Alpha Tracker calendar.
So it's doing two birds with one stone. So if we refresh that, and then scroll down, I'm just wondering... There we go. Now we've got the webinar discussion showing in there. So you can do it two ways. If you've either received an invite to a meeting, you can forward it on to Tracker Filer, and then that'll go into your calendar.
Or if you're setting up a Teams meeting, for example, you can copy in Tracker Filer. And again, it will drop that into your calendar. So there's just a couple of ways you can do that.
Perfect. So just a quick recap, then we showed how Tracker Filer can file emails and attachments automatically, if you mention a quote number, a project number, we've had a request to make it work for site UPRNs.
So we'll have a look at that also works for tickets, the ticket system, by the way, I meant I mentioned it briefly, it's our internal system that we use to track tickets on our support desk, that actually will be part of Alpha Tracker in the next release.
So if you have a requirement to track queries and tickets and problems and questions from your customers, you'll be able to use the ticket system yourself. That's a new feature that's going into Alpha Tracker this next release.
We also showed how it can link through to Microsoft Teams so that you can automatically add Teams meetings into your Alpha Tracker diary, including the link back to the Teams meeting straight from Alpha Tracker.
So it integrates your diaries for you as well. And we're looking to build new features in all the time. We've got another couple of questions that have come in. One from Amanda, would it populate an Outlook calendar, Dan, if Microsoft Teams is linked to Outlook?
Absolutely, yeah, it would populate your outlook and your team's calendar, so that will work quite nicely for you there, remember.
And we've got one from George saying, would it work with Google calendars as well?
Yes, it would, yeah. So if you've got your Google Calendar sync set up, it would then sync through to your Google Calendars. So you can then go ahead and see that on your phone as well as in our phone.
Grand. Right, I think that's it, us done isn't it? We've wrapped up a couple of minutes early this time, we're getting better at it, or worse, not trying to pack so much in, we normally run five minutes over.
Thanks everybody for joining, really appreciate it. The webinar's been recorded and it will be going on YouTube in a couple of days, we get over 100 people each month watching it on YouTube, so that's nice, so it'll go on YouTube, you can share it with your colleagues, email the link around to people if you think they'd benefit from it.
And thanks again for joining, really appreciate it, see you next month, last Tuesday of the month, 12:30. Thanks a lot.
Perfect, thanks everyone.
Thank you. Bye.
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